Harrison Reunion, about 1945 or '46
Top row: Mary Ann Harrison, Bob, Dale, and Donald Harrison.
Middle row: Juanita Harrison, Sam Harrison, Leland Harrison,
Mary Alice Harrison, Marion & Eldon Jordan.
Bottom row: Mary Ellen & Albert Crawford, Juanita Jordan, Gary George Rice?
Sam, Bob, Mary Anne Harrison are Uncle Sam's kids.
Donald & Dale, Mary Alice, and Leland are Uncle Georges
Marion Wayne, Juanita & Eldon Jordan are Aunt Sadie's grandchildren,
Florence's children.
Albert & Mary Ellen are Catherine Rice's grandchildren, Leona's children.
Gary George is also Catherine's grandchild, George's son.
The Harrison Reunion, 1952, '53, or '54.
At Aunt Almira's when they lived on Ash Street, I think.
(written by Leona Crawford)