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We lived on the farm for 18 more years. There was always something to do. However if I didn’t feel like working, I didn’t have to. I no longer had any cattle, but always had a big garden and fruit trees. The place was pasture, and I rented it to Jack Beauchamp. We always traveled some every year, besides going to the kids. We took an extended trip to the Pacific Northwest in August of 1973, with Ken and Wilma Stoffer. Done some fishing on that trip up in the Idaho along with Ken’s cousin, Floyd Stoffer, near a place called Yellow Pine. It was on one branch of the Salmon River. In our travels, we were in all the lower forty-eight states. We are still able to travel some, and enjoy it. We always go to the reunion of my old army outfit, the 997th F.A. Battalion, every two years. This year it is in Pennsylvania.
On December 30, 1990, we celebrated out 50th wedding anniversary. It was an extremely cold day. The highest temperature got was zero. We didn’t know whether many would show up. All of our own family was there, but Lisa who couldn’t make it because of ice. All of Helen’s family was there from Colorado, and Kansas. Had about 150 all together.
In the fall of 1991, we sold our farm, had a sale and moved to Ottawa, in November of that year. To leave a place we had lived for over 43 years was a traumatic experience. It took a while to adjust to the change. But change is something that comes to all of us at various points in our lives. Looking back, I realize I’ve had a good life. Had good upbringing. Have a good family of my own, of which I am proud. I know I don’t have too much time left, but it’s a joy to see my grandchildren growing into manhood and womanhood. I get a lot of enjoyment out of like. I appreciate friends and relatives. And especially appreciate going to church each Sunday. Hope my grandchildren have a good life as I have had. Also I hope Leona is around longer than I am. We have no control over some things.