Lighten and Darken
:On the right is a layers palette. On the third row
down is the
blending mode dropdown box and the opacity dropdown.
They are set to
"Normal" and 100% which are the default values.
- Open an image that is overall too light.
- Create a duplicate layer named bottom then create
another duplicate layer named top.
- Click on the blending mode dropdown box and select
the "multiply" blending mode. This will darken the entire
- You may reduce the effect of multiply (Top) layer by
clicking on the opacity dropdown and moving the slider to a lower
percent. Try starting with 50% then adjusting it from there.
- You may show a portion of the bottom layer by adding
a layer mask to the Top layer (click on the
icon) then painting black on the
portion of the mask you wish to block.
- If you open an image that is overall to dark you may
lighten the image by the same steps as above except that in step 4
select the "screen" blending mode which will lighten the entire image.
When the levels or contrast commands are applied the intent
is to
change the lightness or darkness of the image. However these
commands can sometimes change the color of an image slightly.
Also you can use the levels command to effect the red, green
blue channels individually. This can be done to cause a
color correction. However it can be used to selectively
the luminosity of an image. What is needed is the luminosity
blending mode applied to an adjustment layer. The luminosity
blending mode (in either pixel layers or adjustment layers) will allow
for changes of lighting to show but will not allow for any changes in
color to show.
- Open an image
- Create a duplicate image named Bottom
- Create a brightness/contrast adjustment layer.
- Increase the contrast using the adjustment layer.
For many images (but not all) there a noticeable color
shift. This is especially true of images that are already
well saturated. This could cause an image to become
- Change the blending mode of the brightness/contrast
adjustment to "Luminosity". This will allow the contrast to
remain but will prevent the color shift.
