Tokens for the language ICPL, Phase 4

Reserved Words

Operators (according to precidence level, highest first)

Symbol tokens

;     ,     :=     (     )


let char-d be the set of all ASCII characters except a double quote.
let char-s be the set of all ASCII characters except a single quote.
let digit be the set of digits from 0 to 9.


let letter be the 52 letters of the alphabet (upper or lower case letters will be considered distinct)
let digit be the 10 digits

Comments and Spaces

Blank characters, tab characters, and end of line characters will all be considered to be spaces.  Two or more consecutive spaces are to be considered as a single space.  Spaces are not tokens, but may separate tokens.  No token may contain an embedded space, thus a space will terminate any token.

A comment may take on either of the following forms:

A comment, either line or block, will be treated as a single space.