E-mail: crawford@hilltop.ic.edu
Web page: http://crawford.ic.edu
Text: An Introduction to Database Systems by C.J. Date. 6th Edition.
The Course: This course is dedicated to the learning of the theory of Relational Databases. This will be accomplished through the use of the SQL query language, through the textbook, and through a project in which each student will design and develop a significant database application. As such the heart of the textbook material to be covered in this class is chapters 3 through 10. Topics from chapters 13 through 21 will also be covered. The project will be done using the database facilities of the language Delphi. Client/Server applications will be simulated using the Local Interbase Server installed in the Advanced Computing Lab.
The Project. Each student will be part of a major database project. It will have several phases, including the database dictionary, the database design, and implementation of the SQL definition of the database. This project will be done in conjunction with the project in CSC480. A working prototype of the project written in Delphi will be the final product of the project. The phases of the project will be weighted a total of 150 to 200 points.
Research Paper. Each student will write a research paper on a database topic. This paper will be from 8 to 10 pages long when published on the internet. The topic will give an indication of the current state of database systems. Each student will prepare a 30 min. presentation on their topic. The paper, along with the presentation, will be weighted at 100 points. Some early phases, such as an outline, may be weighted at 10 to 20 points each.
Tests: There will be two major examinations throughout the semester. These will be weighted at 100 points each. In addition, a comprehensive final will be given. It will be weighted at 150 points.
Class Participation: A significant portion of the students grade will come from class participation. This will include the ability to discuss the text material that was supposed to be read, the ability to discuss student projects, and otherwise make an intelligent contribution to the class sessions. (Note: students absent from class cannot participate!) Class participation will be weighted at 100 points.
Homework: There will be homework assignments. These will be weighted as indicated through out the semester.
Quizzes: There will be 0 to 10 in class quizzes given throughout the semester. These will be weighted from 10 to 20 points each. These may be either announced or unannounced. No makeup's will be given for quizzes.
Grades: All grades will be based on a 90, 80, 70, 60 percentage of all points for grades of A, B, C, and D. Any "curves" that will be placed on the grades will be made on the individual tests and not at the end of the semester. Such curves are not likely.
Cheating: I do not expect this paragraph to apply to anyone. However, in the very unlikely event that a student is caught cheating please see the student "blue book" for the penalties that the instructor has the authority to apply.
Attendance: Again, I do not expect this paragraph to apply to anyone. However, you are expected to attend class. Any unexcused absence is considered excessive. If such absences reaches three or more the student will receive a letter grade reduction in his/her semester grade and given a warning. Upon the next unexcused absence the student will be dropped from the class with a grade of F. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.