Pentagon Visitor Parking

CSC 404, Data Structures
Programming Assignment 1
Due January 18, 2001

The sign on the atteendant's booth at the Pentagon parking lot is

Pentagon Visitor Parking

First 2 hours Free
Next 3 hours $0.50 per hour
Next 10 hours $0.25 per hour
First 1 hour Free
Next 2 hours $1.00 per hour
Next 12 hours $0.75 per hour
Senior Citizens Free
Write a program that will accept as input a one-character designator (C, T, or S) followed by the number of minutes a vehicle has been in the lot.  The program should then compute the appropriate charge and print a ticket for the customer.  Any part of an hour is to be counted as a full hour.  Your program should use the function CalculateCharges (which you need to write) to determine the charge for each customer.

E-mail your text file along with your source code to