Key, Major Examination II

1. Write statement sequences that would
a. Read a users name from the keyboard after being prompted for the name.

cout << "Enter your name: ";
cin.getline(Name, 80, '\n');
b. Declare a file variable and open it for input.  The input file name should be “numbers.txt”.
fstream InFile;"numbers.txt", ios::in);
c. Read N integers from the file opened in part b.
for(int j=0; j < 10; j++)
  InFile >> A[j];
d. Close the file opened in part b.
2. Write a generic (template) procedure that would sort N elements of the generic array Alpha in descending order using the insert sort.
template <class ItemType>
void InsertSort(ItemType A[], long N)
{ for (int pass = 1; pass < N; pass++)
    { ItemType Temp = A[pass];
      int J = pass;
      while( (J > 0) && (A[J-1] > Temp)) // change < to > for smallest to largest
        {A[J] = A[J-1];
      A[J] = Temp;
3. Consider the following values of an array:
34  53  75  85  15  22  91  48
Give the first four passes of the array if the sort routine is the bubble sort.  The sort order is from largest to smallest.
pass 1: 53   75   85   34   22   91   48   15
pass 2: 75   85   53   34   91   48   22   15
pass 3: 85   75   53   91   48   34   22   15
pass 4: 85   75   91   53   48   34   22   15
4. Write a procedure that would obtain from the user the user’s name, the name of an output file, and the user’s age (an integer) as the parameters.
void GetData( char Name[], char FileName[], int &age)
  { cout << "Enter your name: ";
    cin.getline(Name, 80, '\n');

    cout << "Enter the output file name: ");
    cin.getline(FileName, 80, '\n');

    cout << "Enter your age: ");
    cin >> age;

5. Write a procedure that would write N numbers from an array to an output file, with 10 numbers per line.  The parameters of the procedure are the filename, the array, and the number.
void WriteData(char FileName[], int NumbArray[], int N)
  { fstream F;, ios::out);

    for(int j=0; j < N; j++)
      { F << NumbArray[j];
        if(j % 10 == 9)
          F << endl;


6. Write a C++ header file that would contain the following generic (template) functions and procedures:
a. a generic procedure that would sort an array using the insert sort.
b. a generic procedure that would sort an array using the bubble sort.
c. a generic procedure that would sort an array using the quick sort.
d. a generic procedure that would sort an array using the heap sort.
e. a generic function that would return true or false that would test an array to see if it is sorted.

template <class T>
void InsertSort( T Array[], int N);

template <class T>
void BubbleSort( T Array[], int N);

template <class T>
void QuickSort( T Array[], int N);

template <class T>
void HeapSort( T Array[], int N);

template <class T>
bool IsSorted( T Array[], int N);

#include "SortRoutines.cpp"

7. Write the implementation (code) for the function you gave in part e of number 6.
template <class ItemType>
bool IsSorted(ItemType A[], long N)
  { bool Sorted = true;

    for (int J = 1; J<N; J++)
      if (A[J-1] > A[J])
          Sorted = false;

    return Sorted;

8. Write a stack declaration.
template <class ItemType>
class stack
  void push( ItemType );
  void pop ();
  ItemType top();

  bool empty();


  struct node
   ItemType item;
   node *next;

  node* head;


9. Give the contents of a stack T after the following operations:


35  deleted
12  deleted
15  deleted

10. Write a sequence of statements that would do the following items:

a. randomize the random number generator.
b. fill N elements of an array of integers with random numbers.
c. Time the bubble sort on the array of N elements.
d. Write out the results of part c.
e. Test to see if the array you sorted in part c is actually sorted.


for(int j = 0; j < N; j++)
  A[j] = rand();

StartTime = time(0);
BubbleSort(A, N);
EndTime = time(0);
ElapsedTime = EndTime - StartTime;

cout << "The time to sort "
     << N << " integers using the bubble sort is "
     << ElapsedTime << " seconds" << endl;

if (IsSorted(A,N))
  cout << "The array was correctly sorted\n";
  cout << "Error -- the array is not sorted\n";

11. Write a complete C++ program that would read 10 names from the input file “Names.txt” and write the names out onto the screen.  You do not need to use a procedure.  The most efficient code gets the most points.
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>

void main()
  { char Name[80];

    fstream F;"Names.txt", ios::in);

    for(int j=0; j<10; j++)
      { F.getline(Name, 80, '\n');
        cout << Name << endl;
