Axiomatic semantics is based on mathematical logic. The logical expressions are called predicates, or assertions. An assertion immediately preceding a program statement describes the constraints on the program variables at that point in the program. An assertion immediately following a statement describes the new constaraints on those variables after execution of the statement.
The role of assertions
Eiffel encourages software developers to express formal properties of
classes by writing assertions, which may in particular appear in
the following roles:
Routine preconditions express the requirements that clients
must satisfy whenever they call a routine. For example the designer of
ACCOUNT may wish to permit a withdrawal operation only if it keeps
the account's balance at or above the minimum. Preconditions are introduced
by the keyword require.
Routine postconditions, introduced by the keyword ensure,
express conditions that the routine (the supplier) guarantees on return,
if the precondition was satisfied on entry.
A class invariant must be satisfied by every instance of the
class whenever the instance is externally accessible: after creation, and
after any call to an exported routine of the class. The invariant appears
in a clause introduced by the keyword invariant,
and represents a general consistency constraint imposed on all routines
of the class.
With appropriate assertions, the ACCOUNT class becomes:
- class ACCOUNT creation
- make
- feature
- ... Attributes as before: balance,
minimum_balance, owner, open ...
- deposit (sum: INTEGER) is
- -- Deposit sum
into the account.
- require
- sum >= 0
- do
- add (sum)
- ensure
- balance = old balance + sum
- end;
- withdraw (sum: INTEGER) is
- -- Withdraw sum from
the account.
- require
- sum >= 0
- sum <= balance - minimum_balance
- do
- add (-sum)
- ensure
- balance = old balance
- sum
- end;
- may_withdraw ... -- As before
- feature {NONE}
- add ... --
As before
- make (initial: INTEGER) is
- -- Initialize account with balance
- require
- initial >= minimum_balance
- do
- balance := initial
- end
- invariant
- balance >= minimum_balance
- end -- class ACCOUNT
The notation old attribute_name
may only be used in a routine postcondition. It denotes the value the attribute
had on routine entry.
Creation procedures
In its last version above, the class now includes a creation procedure,
make. With the first version of ACCOUNT, clients used creation
instructions such as create acc1 to create accounts; but then the default
initialization, setting balance to zero, violated the invariant. By having
one or more creation procedures, listed in the creation
clause at the beginning of the class text, a class offers a way to override
the default initializations. The effect of
is to allocate the object (as with the default creation) and to call
procedure make on this object, with the argument given. This call
is correct since it satisfies the precondition; it will ensure the invariant.
(The underscore _ in the integer constant 5_500 has no semantic
effect. The general rule is that you can group digits by sets of three
from the right to improve the readability of integer constants.)
A procedure listed in the creation clause,
such as make, otherwise enjoys the same properties as other routines,
especially for calls. Here the procedure make is secret since it
appears in a clause starting with feature {NONE};
so it would be invalid for a client to include a call such as
To make such a call valid, it would suffice to move the declaration
of make to the first feature clause
of class ACCOUNT, which carries no export restriction. Such a call
does not create any new object, but simply resets the balance of a previously
created account.
Design by Contract
Syntactically, assertions are boolean expressions, with a few extensions
such as the old notation. The semicolon
(see the precondition to withdraw) is equivalent to an "and",
but permits individual identification of the components.
Assertions play a central part in the Eiffel method for building reliable
object-oriented software. They serve to make explicit the assumptions on
which programmers rely when they write software elements that they believe
are correct. Writing assertions, in particular preconditions and postconditions,
amounts to spelling out the terms of the contract which governs
the relationship between a routine and its callers. The precondition binds
the callers; the postcondition binds the routine.
The underlying theory of Design by Contract, the centerpiece
of the Eiffel method, views software construction as based on contracts
between clients (callers) and suppliers (routines), relying on mutual obligations and benefits made explicit by the assertions.
The short form
Assertions are also an indispensable tool for the documentation of reusable
software components: one cannot expect large-scale reuse without a precise
documentation of what every component expects (precondition), what it guarantees
in return (postcondition) and what general conditions it maintains (invariant).
Documentation tools in EiffelBench use assertions to produce information
for client programmers, describing classes in terms of observable behavior,
not implementation. In particular the short form of a class, which
serves as its interface documentation, is obtained from the full text by
removing all non-exported features and all implementation information such
as do clauses of routines, but
keeping interface information and in particular assertions. Here is the
short form of the above class:
- class interface ACCOUNT creation
- make
- feature
- balance: INTEGER;
- ...
- deposit (sum: INTEGER) is
- -- Deposit sum into
the account.
- require
- sum >= 0
- ensure
- balance = old balance
+ sum
- withdraw (sum: INTEGER) is
- -- Withdraw sum from
the account.
- require
- sum >= 0;
- sum <= balance - minimum_balance
- ensure
- balance = old balance
- sum
- may_withdraw ...
- end -- class ACCOUNT
This is not actual Eiffel, only documentation of Eiffel classes, hence
the use of slightly different syntax to avoid any confusion (class
interface rather than class).
In accordance with observations made above, the output for balance
would be the same if this feature were a function rather than an attribute.
It is also possible to evaluate assertions at run time, so as to uncover
potential errors ("bugs"). The implementation provides several
levels of assertion monitoring: preconditions only, postconditions etc.
When monitoring is on, an assertion which evaluates to true has no further
effect on the execution. An assertion which evaluates to false will trigger
an exception, as described next; unless the software developer has written
an appropriate exception handler, the exception will cause an error message
and termination with a precise message and a call trace.
This ability to check assertions provides a powerful testing and debugging
mechanism, in particular because the classes of the EiffelBase Libraries,
widely used in Eiffel software development, are protected by carefully
written assertions.
Run-time checking, however, is only one application of assertions, whose
role as design and documentation aids, as part of the theory of Design
by Contract, exerts a pervasive influence on the Eiffel style of software