Organization of Programming Languages
Topics for Examination III

  1. Name the operations of BNF.
  2. To whom do the B and the N in BNF refer?  What were they known for?
  3. Give a derivation (left-most, right-most)
  4. Give a parse tree.
  5. What are the three most common extensions of BNF to give EBNF?
  6. Give ENBF for: a) a floating point constant.  b) a statement construct.  c) something else.
  7. What is semantics?  Give an example of the difference between syntax and semantics.
  8. What is an ambigous grammar?  Give an example.
  9. Give an example of a metalanguage.
  10. What is the difference between left recursive and right recursive grammars?
  11. Statement-Level Control Structures
  12. Compound Statements
  13. Selection Statements
  14. Iterative Statements
  15. Writing assembler code that would simulate control statements
  16. Writing procedures to parse control statements
  17. Writing procedures to produce assembler code to generate control statements
  18. Any other related questions.