Smalltalk Programming Language
By: Resa D. Lockhart
Smalltalk is a simple and powerful programming language that was designed expressly to support
the concepts of object-oriented programming. In the early 1970s, Alan Kay led a team of
researchers at Xerox to invent a language that let programmers envision the data objects they
intended to manipulate. Unlike C++, Smalltalk was not built on the syntax of a procedural
language; it is a "pure" object-oriented language with more rigorously enforced rules than
C++, which permits some of the procedural constructs of the C language. Smalltalk is said to
be "pure" for one main reason: Everything in Smalltalk is an object, whereas in hybrid systems
there are things which are not objects (for example, integers in C and Java).
I think that Smalltalk would be a good language to study further because it is said to be
the first object-oriented language. Learning more about this language will help my classmates
and myself to understand how current object-oriented languages evolved. I also think that
Smalltalk is a very interesting language because of its unique block features and its class
features. Because of its simplicity, and the fact that it is a "pure" object-oriented language,
I also think that Smalltalk will be fun to learn.
Major Features of Smalltalk
Message Sending
All computations in Smalltalk are performed by objects sending messages to one another.
A message is a name for a routine to execute, possibly together with some arguments to the
routine. Smalltalk has a uniquely simple and elegant syntax for expressing message sending.
There are three possible forms:
receiver doSomething
This is a "unary" message send. Write the receiver on the left and the message name
(‘doSomething’, in this case) on the right. There are no arguments.
receiver + argument
This is a "binary" message send. As before, the receiver goes on the left, followed
by the message name (‘+’), followed by exactly one argument. This form of message sending
is always used for messages with "funny" numbers uses this syntax, and all such messages
take exactly one argument.
receiver take: 3 of: ‘candy’
This is a "keyword" message send. Keywords ending in : (colon) alternate with arguments.
The whole thing is considered a single message send. The message name is the concatenation of
all the keywords (in this case, ‘take:of:’). There are as many arguments as there are keywords,
and there can be as many keywords as you want.
Some Basic Functionality & Syntax
Smalltalk offers numbers, characters, strings, symbols, arrays, classes and objects as basic
primitives. Comments may occur at any place in the code, as long as they are enclosed by double
quotes. Numbers are written in the usual fashion, and there are integers, floating point numbers
and fractions as subclasses. Characters must be prefixed by a dollar sign, strings are enclosed
in single quotes, and elements of arrays are preceded by ‘#’ and enclosed in parentheses.
7 "a number"
$z "a character"
‘colourless ideas sleep furiously’ "a string"
#(#tom #dick #harry) "an array of 3 components"
#(#one ‘should shower at least’ 3 ‘times a week’)
The last expression shows that elements in array need not to me of the same type, since the
array we use there contains 1 symbolic constant, 2 strings and a number.
Smalltalk identifiers may contain any sequence of letters and digits, but must start with a
letter. No other symbols are allowed. Smalltalk draws a syntactic distinction between local
and global variables, in which all global identifiers must start with an upper case letter,
while local ones will always begin in lower case. Class names are assumed to be global and must
therefore always start in upper case. Smalltalk is a "dynamically typed" language in which
there is no type information association with identifiers, but rather with the objects themselves.
Local variables may be bound a instance variables attached to an object, or they may be
explicitly declared as temporary variables. Such variable declarations are enclosed by vertical
bars and separated by spaces.
|kermit skooter piggy henrietta|
declares four temporary variables.
If not otherwise requested all variables are initialized to null. The := symbol can be
used to bind names to objects.
|fozzie| fozzie := Bear new.
creates a new instance of class Bear and binds it to "fozzie", after which we may proceed to
send instance messages to him until he expires.

In Smalltalk, there are a number of selection statements and loops that may be specified.
- ifTrue:
- ifFalse:
- ifFalse:ifTrue:
- whileTrue:
- whileFalse:
- timesRepeat:
- do:
- to:do:
- collect:
Smalltalk uses the notion of blocks to defer evaluation. One of the most useful features
of Smalltalk is the ability to define "local functions" in the form of blocks. Blocks can be
used to implement a wide variety of control structures. In fact, Smalltalk has no built-in
control structures, but instead implements them in terms of blocks. Blocks are written as one
or more Smalltalk statements between square brackets ([ and ]). Arguments to block functions
can be specified by putting the argument names, prefixed by colons, before a vertical bars (|)
at the beginning of the block.
5 timesRepeat: [self print: ‘Hello World!’].
primes := (1 to: 100) select: [:number | number isPrime].
#(‘mary’ ‘had’ ‘a’ ‘little’ ‘lamb’)
do: [:string | self print: string]
separatedBy: [self space].
[self shouldContinue]
whileTrue: [self performAction].
A class defines which messages can be understood by members (also called instances) of that
class, and it defines how objects respond to those messages. Since everything in Smalltalk is
an object, everything has a class. For example, the number 5 has a class named Integer. The
string ‘hello’ has a class named String, and so forth. You can define your own classes and
create instances of them. You can find out what class any object belongs to by sending it the
message ‘class’.
Classes themselves are instances of other classes called metaclasses. Metaclass programming
is a relatively advanced part of Smalltalk programming, but it can be uses to achieve some
important effects. The Smalltalk class browser makes both "ordinary class" and metaclass
programming quite easy.
When you program in Smalltalk, you spend most of your time creating and modifying class
definitions. In the Smalltalk class browser window, you can associate message names (also
called selectors) with Smalltalk program code fragments (also called methods). A class,
therefore, is a mapping between selectors and methods. When an instance of a class receives
a message, it consults its class to see which method it should invoke in response to the