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This Summary of Climate Change is under development.  When I start work on a section I will provide a link to that section below.  By clicking on Climate Science home you will be able to access a great deal of information from other sources on Climate Change.  Much of that information will find it into this summary.  The purpose for me in developing this summary is make clear in my own mind what I know (and don't know) about Climate Science and to learn more in the process.

The earth's climate is an extremely complex system.  Science is learning more and more about that system each day and tools are constantly being developed to aid in the increasing body of knowledge of the climate system.  As science changes so will these pages change.

Summary of Climate Change

Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols
The Cryosphere -- Arctic, Antarctic, Greenland & Glaciers
Frozen Ground -- Permafrost

Natural Events that Effect Climate
Climate Models
Hurricanes and Climate Change
Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability